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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Telltale Games on Bone and Sam & Max

JoeHonkie wrote:
Gamasutra has an article up on the creators of the new Bone game, mostly talking about the second chapter of that series and the new Sam & Max game. I hope they can shape up, because all of these properties sound like good stuff to me.

I love Bone, and I love point-and-click adventure games, but let's not pull any punches here: the Bone game sucked. Really, the art and voices were great, and really seemed like an animated version of the series, but it was glitchy, nearly impossible to register, and pretty much an unplayable mess (I originally planned to write a review here, but I couldn't bear to!).

I know a lot of these folks have experience with these games in the past, but it didn't show in their first release. The voice and graphics does show a lot of potential, though. I love Sam & Max from the comics and the original game, and if they can shape up by the time they release that game, they'll have a fan for life. Good luck to them.

Source: Gamasutra


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