Gaming news for the rest of us.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Vin Diesel to Cut-out the Middle Man with

Villainous Fats wrote:
Midway Games, INC, Paramount/MTV Films and Vin Diesel's own Tigon Studios are planning to release a new video game property entitled The Wheelman. The game and film will be released in conjunction with each other with the game content acting as a prequel to the plot of the movie.

Midwest offered some reserved comments on the whole project:

We believe 'The Wheelman' is a groundbreaking new model for our industry," said David F. Zucker, president and CEO, Midway. "We intend to create a broad-arcing experience, simultaneously developing entertainment properties across a number of mediums, with Vin Diesel right at the center of it all.

The days of waiting for crappy video game versions of crappy movies is over. Now we can now get them instantly, with Vin Diesel at the center! Yeah!

I guess to be fair, Vin Diesel's company was invovled in Escape from Butcher's Bay, so let us hope for something fun to come out of all of this.

In related news, Uwe Boll is said to be considering embracing this crossover game/movie technique for his projects - only, in his case, the prequel game involves trying to convince investors and drug addicted Hollywood actors to participate in his project.

Sources: and Joystiq


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