Gaming news for the rest of us.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Won't somebody please think of the children!

Joe Honkie wrote:
GameSetWatch has an amusing piece based on a local channel attempting to mark the DS as a tool for sexual predators to hunt kids. The original news piece is filled with misunderstandings and hyperbole.

Don't get too upset over this one, guys. The local Action News team putting out a yellow journalism piece on the latest imaginary threats to society is hardly new or exclusive to the video games industry. Hell, I saw once piece where they were going on about the dangers of little league baseball. They showed a doctor claiming 'Worst case...DEATH!' I know that I will never be able to allow any child of mine to play sports ever because of that one broadcast.

Just some good amusing fun at the expense of the ignorant. And yes, your kid shouldn't talk to strangers over pictochat, but that's true anywhere.

The article
The original piece


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