New Content Released
Pretzel wrote:
News from the Battlefield! EA/Dice has released the latest booster pack in the BF2 series, BF2: Armored Fury. The theater of war has moved to the US on the American Highways. The pack releases new maps and new vehicles to tear up the battlefield.
Xbox Live has released their new update that should freshen things up on the dashboard and the marketplace. So when you get home and turn on your 360, make sure you update your Xbox Live. The new update should make the entire Xbox Live experience much more accessible.
Finally, Bethesda is continuing to expand the world of Elder Scrolls in their latest title Oblivion. So far their has been four additions to the downloadble section of Oblivion. The latest content has not been given a date of release, but has been posted on the content page of the Elder Scrolls website. Also stay tuned for a patch release this week as well. This should fix some bugs within the game.
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