SEGA trying to bring the arcade back to life in the US
JoeHonkie wrote:
Gamasutra has an interview with Clint Manny, vice-president of sales and marketing at Gameworks, on how SEGA/Sammy intends to revive the flagging fortunes of the arcade industry in the US. For those of you who don't know it, Gameworks is basically SEGA's version of Dave & Busters, a sort of combo sports bar and arcade.
Most of Manny's points revolve around a lot of the common sense things I noticed about D&B's the first time I went: The advantage of an "adult Chuck E. Cheese atmosphere," the benefit of shooting and racing game rigs that cannot be easily reproduced at home, and the glorious prizes. Still, it's nice to see his take on it, and he has some interesting points on merchandising.
The Rebirth Of The U.S. Arcade? (Gamasutra)
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